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The Pet Remedies Team is specially trained to prepare high-quality compounded medications. Goli Naghibi and Melissa Bayanzadeh, the two founders of the Pet Remedies Division, have been trained through the Professional Compounding Centers of America, an organization that enables them to access the most up-to-date information and formulas.


In 2009, GOLI NAGHIBI opened the doors of her first independent pharmacy in West Vancouver. Parallel to this endeavour, she also attempted to diversify her knowledge and expertise in the compounding and methadone fields –at Northmount and Abbot Pharmacies respectfully. In 2011, Goli opened the current location of Pharmalife Pharmacy that has become one of the North Shore’s favourites ever since.

Goli is the managing director and owner of Pharmalife Pharmacy and her passion for her job and her everyday urge to satisfy her client’s needs is what she has become well known for.

In addition to holding a PhD in Pharmacy, Goli is also a certified compounder under license of University of Florida and also she holds a compounding certificate from Professional Compounding Centres of America.

A lifetime pet lover and animal enthusiast, MELISSA BAYANZADEH is one of the founders of Pet Remedies Inc.

With a background in the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector, Melissa has become a skilled compounder through the experience she obtained in the industrial production of dietary supplements and vitamins. Melissa also has a background in pharmaceutical quality control, testing raw materials and finished products using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) column. Most recently, Melissa also practised compounding medications for humans and pets in the Pharmaceutical retail sector.

Ms. Bayanzadeh holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering from the University of British Columbia.

P: 778-340-1800



Pet Remedies,

A division of Pharmalife Pharmacy

60-935 Marine Dr. North Vancouver



Pharmalife Pharmacy

Capilano Mall

60-935 Marine Dr,

North Vancouver,B.C

V7P 1S3



T: 778-340-1800

F: 778-340-1888 

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